Charter on
your terms.
The most flexible, value-added program in the industry.
Save more, fly more.
From flat-rate fees to revenue opportunities, discover why members choose SkyPass.
Dynamic rates based on availability
Additional fees for fuel or other surcharges
Aircraft dependent on availability
No membership fees
Higher rates
Inclusive rates
Only pay for the time you fly, with no hidden fees
Fully refundable at any time
Fleet wide eligibility
No initiation fees or annual membership cost
No catering or ground transportation surcharges
Quick Booking. No signed quote required
No peak travel surcharges or blackout days
Complimentary jet sales consultations with our sister company, Omni Aircraft Sales
Traditional Jet Cards
Dynamic rates
Hidden fees and surcharges may apply
Refundability varies
Jet specific/class specific
12k-17k membership fee
Peak period rates
Blackout dates
Seasonal and holiday increases
Enrollment in the SkyPass program allows you access to exclusive flight-time rates.
Members enjoy fleet-wide eligibility and fly any of our existing aircraft options.
Our flat-rate fees mean you can budget and plan trips based on fixed costs.
There are no additional costs or fees. The full cost of the trip will be deducted from the balance. In addition, there is no program expiration date, no roll-over fees and all balances are fully refundable at any time.
When it comes to your investment, we believe in good stewardship. In this spirit, we attempt to sell empty legs of your trip through our extensive network. With every successful segment sale, we contribute back to you.
Good stewardship extends to transient sales, too. That’s why we proactively target revenue-generating charter trips with transient aircraft. Every successful sale means savings for you.
Flight-time discount
Flat-rate fees
No additional costs
Empty legs
Transient sales